What I am trying to do...

I am aiming to row 1,000m flat out every day for 40 days. If I achieve this I will finish the day before my 40th birthday. I have never rowed for 40 days in a row in my life. You can read more about the challenge on my justgiving page. This blog is a report on how I am getting on day to day. Please donate if you can. Every little helps. Rowers: A generous donation of a C-breeze has been made for the highest donation to the cause...

Saturday 10 May 2008

Rep 26: 3:17.4 @ 1:38.7 - hard work

An early one so I can be social this evening. Still full of pizza from lunch but still managed a steady 3:17.4. Steady in pace, but still pretty hard work. I suspect that I may be coming close to the point where recovery is going to be harder between rows.

I rowed my race from yesterday, and was waiting for the handle down. Unfortunately the RowPro camera work was like the ITV camera work on the boat race this year. There was a cut away and then suddenly I was ahead. I rowed steadily all the way, but it was pretty grim in the last 100, and I was unable to watch the split too closely. I finished too hard for my target of 1:38.8 and finished comfortably in 3:17.4 with a 1:38.7 split.

A long, steady 2,500 warm down completed the day.

Metres today: 4,000

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