What I am trying to do...

I am aiming to row 1,000m flat out every day for 40 days. If I achieve this I will finish the day before my 40th birthday. I have never rowed for 40 days in a row in my life. You can read more about the challenge on my justgiving page. This blog is a report on how I am getting on day to day. Please donate if you can. Every little helps. Rowers: A generous donation of a C-breeze has been made for the highest donation to the cause...

Thursday 24 April 2008

Reps 7: 3:19.4 @ 1:39.7 and rep 8: 3:19.3!

With my youngest coming down with a virus and my legs being more painful during the day I decided that I would endeavour to get ahead of the game. I may need a day off, and certainly want one before long. I was thinking of doing 2 on Saturday morning but that would have meant three in twelve hours. Ouch. So I realised that I should do two today if I felt good.

The first was done with little warm up, and I tried to keep to the 1:39.7 split from yesterday. It was OK.

The second one was 20 minutes later on RowPro with plummy from Free Spirits. I had a woeful start again but I am clearly getting fitter since the rest of the race was bearable. Much harder than the first (rated a "6") but doable. I had to concentrate on every stroke keeping up with the pace but did not need to "go for home".

I did a long, reasonably hard warm down today - 2,500m at a fair pace and 160 heart rate. It was amazingly nice to not sprint or do a gentle warm down. I'll do that again.

I must be getting fitter (or getting ill - the "pre-illness spike"?) - I just wish my legs didn't hurt all day, but I made my bed and I should lie in it. I hesitate to say it but today I started to enjoy the challenge at last.

Metres today: 6,002

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