I was working in the garden today, mowing, putting up wires for the wisteria, levelling parts of the lawn that have been annoying me (one part down, one part up). Tonight was the first time in a while I have had some real time to row. I told MBH "about an hour" and went off to row.
I had also been suffering from hayfever all day and was feeling weird at the back of my throat. Cold brewing or hayfever symptoms, I am not sure. I have found that the day before being ill I row like a demon, so I thought I would probably try for two pieces today. I had this feeling that if I got through two OK I might try for three reps, since if I did two, then I would have 19 down and 20 would be tantalisingly close. Also, if I was the day before being ill, surely three would be easy?
Warming up I felt awful. Stiff and sore from my labours in the garden. I doubted whether two reps would be doable at this stage. I did a 1k warm up and then the first rep. This went well (3:18.6 @ 1:39.3), much better than I expected - I was obviously loosening up. I did a 2k warm down and set off for the second one. This was of course tougher but I kept up with the pace boat all the way and actually RowPro put the split at my lowest yet despite the time being the same as a previous row (3:18.5 @ 1:39.2).
Another 2k warm down, then the decision on whether to do another. I was feeling OK, though pretty tired but I thought I would give it a go. I did the first 10 strokes hard with my eyes shut and was disappointed to find I was level with the pace boat. The pace boat steadily drew away and by half way I was in trouble, struggling and about 2m down. This was the crisis point. Could I make it, or would I wimp out and handle down or just ease back to a 1:40.0 piece. I thought "in for a for a penny, in for a pound" and kicked on. I drew back slowly and with 100m to go I was level with the pace boat, but suffering greatly. I held on for the last few strokes but it hurt with the highest heart rate yet of 184 (3:18.6 @ 1:39.3). I was very pleased!
I finished with a 2k warm down. I tried to hold 2:00 for the middle 1000m but it was well beyond me.
I have now done 20 rows in 16 days and am half way through the 40 rows. If I do the same number in the next 16 days I will have 40 rows in 32 days and 50 will beckon. Whether I can keep getting faster and two two a day I don't know. I guess I will find out.
Metres today: 10,000
What I am trying to do...
I am aiming to row 1,000m flat out every day for 40 days. If I achieve this I will finish the day before my 40th birthday. I have never rowed for 40 days in a row in my life. You can read more about the challenge on my justgiving page. This blog is a report on how I am getting on day to day. Please donate if you can. Every little helps. Rowers: A generous donation of a C-breeze has been made for the highest donation to the cause...
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