What I am trying to do...

I am aiming to row 1,000m flat out every day for 40 days. If I achieve this I will finish the day before my 40th birthday. I have never rowed for 40 days in a row in my life. You can read more about the challenge on my justgiving page. This blog is a report on how I am getting on day to day. Please donate if you can. Every little helps. Rowers: A generous donation of a C-breeze has been made for the highest donation to the cause...

Saturday, 26 April 2008

Rep 10: 3:19.1 @ 1:39.6 - v. tough (morning row)

Very tired from yesterday (and a couple of glasses of wine last night) during the warm up. Not sure as I warmed up whether I could make a 1:40 1,000m. I was stiff and sore. Very stiff and sore. The bath on Thursday may well have to be repeated frequently since Friday was the only morning where I have not woken up feeling stiff and sore.

Anyway, I knew the row would be tough and rowing long would be a trial so I set off at fast speed and high rate. The plan was to get to half way ahead of the 1:39.6 split which is my current target and then hold one to the end. This was exactly how it panned out - the first 300m was the worst. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest (which is usually a sign that I am in trouble) and to be honest if I had been on a normal training day I would have backed off at that point. But sub 1:40 is sub 1:40 so I had to plough on. I controlled my speed with my stroke rate, not my stroke power since the power didn't seem to want to come on! I rated this as an 8 in difficulty.

The 2.5km warm down was hard, I tried to go relatively hard at the start and keep my heart rate up for the first 1,000m, then eased back. Typing this I am pretty shattered. I am still pondering doing another on Sunday and staying one ahead, but we'll see. My body does appear to be adapting and a morning row straight after one the evening before is always going to be hard.

25% of the rows complete. 30 left though. erk.

Metres today: 5,231

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